Download my Free Goal-Setting Flywheel and Get Yourself Organized for the New Year
Each of my coaching clients creates a flywheel (my framework for everything—find out more here) to help identify key “areas of heat” and create a to-do list of the very next (easy) steps for each.
I’m coaching an entrepreneur right now who’s struggling with guilt about her current lack of motivation. All she feels like doing is sleep and bing-watch over the holiday. For her, we established key categories as:
What I need to write about
What I need to clean out
What I need to do for myself, etc.
The idea is to keep a running list, keep track, and do something instead of defaulting to checking email or social (again). Don’t worry about being super-linear…it’s okay if your list is long or crazy. Checking off to-do items is a lot like putting on sunscreen with overlapping strokes: Efforts add up and you’ll feel the freedom of getting these things done.
The flywheel I’m giving you here includes an example of how I’ve filled it out for myself in the past.
Don’t judge :)